Welcome to the Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network

NMPAN is a national community of practice of people and organizations helping small meat processors thrive, and growing our shared wealth of information and innovation. We offer tools and information for small processors and the farmers, marketers, and meat buyers who depend on them. Learn more about NMPAN and NMPAN people.

Beginner’s Guide to Local Meat Processing

New to the world of meat processing? Want to learn more about key terminology, what meat processing entails, and a bit about regulations and meat processing economics? Check out our four part series on local meat processing.

Planning a New Facility or Expansion

Tools for planning a small processing business, cost calculation, plant design, and testing your plan’s feasibility.

Regulations & Food Safety

Processing regulations, HACCP, food safety, and microbiology

Mobile Slaughter and Processing

All aspects of going mobile: case studies, design and construction, financial models, regulatory considerations, and video.

Retail Butchering

Do you cut meat for mostly retail sales? Then this is the page for you. Learn all about the types of retail butchering, regulations, start-up costs, case studies of successful retail butchers and value-added processors, and where to go for more support.

Running Your Facility

Processing best practices, equipment, and keeping the wheels on every day. Also, animal welfare best practices & science so you can provide the best care for your animals and ensure regulatory compliance.

Webinars & Case Studies

Learn from the experts: focused sessions on practical issues and innovations. Profiles of innovative processors.

State Resources

NMPAN state affiliates, support organizations, and processor listings.

NMPAN Research

NMPAN-led research about current challenges and innovative solutions related to small-scale meat and poultry processing for local markets.

Poultry Specific Resources

Poultry processing is a special beast. Many of the regulations are different, as is the processing, food safety protocols, and more. Find all our of poultry specific resources on one page now.

Peer Consulting

We’ve identified a small group of processors willing to be peer consultants for other processors. If you are interested in working with a peer consultant, please go to this page to read more.

Policy Engagement for Processors

Find out different avenues for learning about and getting more involved in state and federal policy that relates to meat processing. The voice of niche producers and processors matters.

Ten Years of Service

To mark our 10 year anniversary and evaluate the impacts of our work, NMPAN embarked on a comprehensive assessment of our work to date and ideas for our future trajectory. Read the Executive Summary or Full Report here.

Support Us!

As part of our 10 year anniversary in 2018, we are launching the 10 for 10 for 10 campaign. We are seeking 10 business sponsors at $10,000/year to celebrate our 10th anniversary, as well as smaller donation levels from all of our members. This will help us broaden our impact and serve even more meat processors. What are NMPAN’s plans for the next 5 years? Read our Strategic Plan summary here. Donate today!


NMPAN is part of eXtension, an initiative of the national land-grant university system, providing objective, research-based, credible information. Most links on our site will take you to our eXtension pages, marked with the eXtension logo.


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