Beef and Pork Whole Animal Buying Guide
This consumer-oriented guide, created by Iowa State University’s Small Meat Processors Working Group, explains buying pork and beef as whole animals (or portions thereof) directly from local producers. Common retail pork and beef cuts are explained with color photos by primal. This guide brings all the necessary pieces together in one easy-to-use resource. Free PDF available online. Hardcopies available in color and B&W.
Table of Contents:
- Introduction: The values and costs of buying meat directly from producers
- Livestock and Meat Marketing Terms
- Storage and Shelf Life Recommendations
- Safe Meat Handling and Cooking
- Beef Aging
- Understanding Meat Inspection
- Making Sense of Weighty Issues: Live Weight vs. Hanging Weight vs. Finished Cut Weight
- Beef Cuts by Primal
- Pork Cuts by Primal
Questions? Contact:
Arion Thiboumery
Iowa State University
Ames, IA
(515) 294-2882