The videos listed here explore and explain a variety of meat and poultry processing aspects.
Mobile Slaughter Unit Videos
These three short videos show how a USDA-inspected mobile slaughter unit works, from the set-up of the unit and farm site, through the slaughter and cleaning process, including waste disposal, and ending with final transfer to the cut and wrap facility.
Anti-Microbial Spray Treatments for Red Meat Processing
Small and very small red meat plants can benefit from food safety technologies appropriate to their scale of operations. This video, with companion booklet, produced by the Food Science Department at Pennsylvania State University in 2005, explains in detail how to use a water wash and anti-microbial spray treatment as an intervention against pathogens during the slaughter of red meat animals. It also provides scientific documentation that can be used for HACCP plan validation.
This link provided courtesy of PSU.
Small-Scale Poultry Processing
The Featherman Equipment Company, owned by David Schafer and based in Jamesport, Missouri, has created a series of short, educational videos to demonstrate small-scale, farm-based poultry processing. Topics include: basic poultry processing; how Joel Salatin does it at Polyface Farms; processing turkeys, pekin ducks, and guinea hens; evisceration (with Salatin), bleed out, and cutting up a chicken; and equipment demos.
Note: NMPAN has provided this video link as an educational resource. This does NOT constitute an endorsement any products or services from this company.